In today’s daily Your DMU Safety update, we’re sharing a livestream recording including Pro Vice-Chancellor Academic Professor Jackie Labbe, Umesh Desai (Director of Estates), Fi Donovan (Head of Public Engagement) and Laura Flowers (Academic Executive, DSU) on all things Covid-19 health and safety. The panel also discuss the related impact on the teaching, learning and student experience. Click below to watch the full livestream.

If you have tested positive for Covid-19 please report it to the university by completing our form.
All the information and help that you need to enjoy campus life in a safe and secure way is available on the Your DMU Safety website. Please make sure you read and follow all of the guidance and support on this site and check back regularly for updates. We will continue to closely follow and implement UK Government, Public Health England (PHE) and local authority guidelines.
From next week we will be sending regular updates rather than daily emails on Your DMU Safety.
Posted on Friday 23 October 2020