Useful links and resources

We have collated a number of useful links that students may find helpful when facing difficult situations relating to their personal life or studies at DMU. Please note that DMU is not responsible for the content of external websites.

For help with sexual or domestic violence or to find related organisations offering support, please see our Mandala pages.

5 ways to wellbeing  - From the NHS. 5 steps you can take to improve your mental health and wellbeing

Anxiety UK  - a UK charity offering extensive information and support for those affected by anxiety

Aquarius  - A charity with services across the Midlands, supporting people affected by alcohol, drugs and gambling

BACP  - British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. Find out more about therapy and its benefits

Beat - Online chat rooms - one to one webchat, downable information and leaflets on eating disorder support

CALM - Offers support to men, who can call the confidential helpline on 0808 802 58 58

The Calm Zone  - A site aimed at improving male mental health

Chinese Mental Health Association

Confidence Building  - Improve low self esteem self confidence through this free course

Drugwise  - Independent charity providing information about drugs

Education Support Partnership  - Support for trainee teachers

Frank - Honest information about drugs

Headspace  - Great guide to mindfulness

How to look after your mental health  - From Straightforward and invaluable tips

LAMP  - A dynamic website for mental health issues, support etc. in and around Leicester

Men's Advice Line  - A confidential helpline for all men experiencing domestic violence

Mind  - The leading mental health charity for England and Wales. Site includes 100+ online leaflets

Mindfulness for students  - Mindfulness is an increasingly popular and effective way of improving wellbeing

National Self Harm Network  -Supports survivors and people who self-harm and those it indirectly affects, like family and friends

Students Against Depression - Information and support for sufferers of depression

Turning Point - A local drug and alcohol support service