Programmes and events

Start Up Survey: Help us to help you!

Have you started your own business since July 2023? If yes, we can help. Please fill in the quick survey.  

Also if you would like any support from the team do not hesitate to contact us 

DMU Made: Free Online International Summer School

Back for it’s fifth year is the DMU Made online International Summer School, taking place in August. There’s no cost to take part in this short series of workshops, which are open to all De Montfort University students and recent graduates, no matter where you are located around the world!

Join in and learn about the benefits of self-employment, freelancing, side-hustles and entrepreneurial skills.

Pre-registration is already open.

Pitch2Win Monthly Competition

Following the success of our long-running annual Pitch2Win competition we are excited to announce we are now able to offer the opportunity monthly. Any student or recent graduate can apply to pitch their idea for the chance to win a monthly prize of £250. To enter simply complete the entry form.

Book a 121 with the team

If you are looking for support and guidance with your business idea, book a 121 with a member of the team. See availability.

DMU Made PopUps 

We've teamed up with DSU to host a new, weekly PopUp Shop located in the SUsupplies Shop on the Ground Floor of the Campus Centre. Students who make their own products can apply for a free stall by emailing Andrew Reynolds. PopUp Shops are open on Mondays between 10am and 4pm.

Email to express an interest in having a stall.