Let's talk

Our priority is to make sure you have the best possible student experience while at DMU. That’s why we value your views and opinions on studying here.

There are many ways to let us know what you think and offer constructive feedback on your course or life at university, and we always try to respond to and act on this feedback.

We want to hear from you

De Montfort University

  • If you have any queries about any non-academic issues, you can email studentgateway@dmu.ac.uk
  • You can also visit your student advice centre or talk to your personal tutor

De Montfort Students’ Union

De Montfort Students' Union (DSU) is here to amplify your voice on campus. The DSU is run by students for students and you are automatically a member. The Union Executive Officers are elected every February to represent you to the university. Just pop into the Campus Centre Level 1 to talk to the exec team, or come along to one of their events, held throughout the year. They can help you to make positive changes at DMU.

Let us know what you're doing and we'll help promote it

We want to know about what you are doing and are keen to advertise student events, appeals, good news and or interesting things you do on the student webpages. Just email intcomms@dmu.ac.uk to let us know what you're up to.

Giving and receiving feedback on your course

Feedback is anything from talking with your tutor to completing a formal course survey. Feedback can also come to you in chats with your tutor, through formal meetings with a personal tutor, your grades, or initiatives run by the university.


We have a number of internally and externally run surveys which ask you for your overall opinions on studying at DMU. However, if you want us to make changes now, the feedback channels listed above are an excellent way of sharing your opinions.

  • The National Student Survey (NSS), an external survey which all undergraduate final year students are asked to complete.
  • Other surveys run by specific departments including Library and Learning Services

Highlighting your improvements

When you give your feedback to us, no matter the method you use, we will always do our best to act upon it. Take a look at our #loveDMU webpages to see how student ideas are changing life @dmuleicester for the better.

This is all part of our ongoing commitment to providing you with the best student experience possible.