
The Exchange Research Network provides a fantastic opportunity for you to gain an insight into the vibrant research activities that take place within the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, encouraging participation from both staff and students.

Over the course of the year we aim to provide a series of seminars presented by research staff across the Schools to showcase the Faculty’s research success.

Accompanying this will be a series of informal staff networking events where Faculty academics can share their research activity, information and expertise, as well as discover potential collaborative opportunities.

Our Vision 
A high profile series of events that maximises research impact throughout HLS

Our Mission
To share information surrounding research success between staff and students promoting research engagement.

Key benefits

As a member of staff Exchange will:

  • Improve your awareness of other research being undertaken within the Faculty
  • Recognise and celebrate research success within the Faculty
  • Foster networking with other staff to share experience, resources  and initiate collaborative projects
  • Inspire you to continue taking on more challenging research work
  • Inspire students, our future leaders, with the extra hard work and success that takes place outside of the traditional teaching environment

As a student Exchange will:

  • Build on your knowledge of practical skills
  • Help you to develop analytical and presentation skills
  • Build on your background knowledge of the subjects within your course
  • Attain an understanding of research planning associated with 3rd year project work and staff research areas
  • Provide you with career inspiration by giving you  exposure to the real world of scientific research
  • Help with future job applications for graduate roles, internships and placements by demonstrating your proactive attitude towards learning through attending events


Exchange event guidelines

  • Each presentation will provide a concise overview of staff and student research activity
  • Seminar date, time, location and speaker information will be provided a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the event taking place
  • A variety of different communication channels will be used and updated frequently to distribute information
  • There will be opportunities for Q and A and networking at every session
  • We will do our best to ensure that all events are timetabled at the most ideal possible time for the majority of staff and students
  • We will provide an archive of previous event details, and where applicable, presentations available to all staff members and students