Research and Publications

Below is a select list of publications from academic staff at the Centre. Both the select list below, and a full list from 1998, are available as PDF downloads:

Complete list, 1998 - 2014

Select list, 2008 - 2014

Select list of publications, 2008-2014:

The United Kingdom and its protocol 36 opt-out: Is police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters within the EU losing momentum?
Baker, E. (2013) The United Kingdom and its protocol 36 opt-out: Is police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters within the EU losing momentum? European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 21 (3-4), pp. 237-245

The EU as a Penal Actor
Baker, E. (2013) The EU as a Penal Actor. In: T. Daems, S. Snacken and D. van Zyl Smit (eds), European Penology?, Oñati International Series in Law and Society, Oxford: Hart

Phronesis and critcal policy analysis. Heathrow's "third runway" and the politics of sustainable aviation in the UK.
Griggs, S. and Howarth, D. (2012) Phronesis and critcal policy analysis. Heathrow's "third runway" and the politics of sustainable aviation in the UK. In: Flyvbjerg, B., Landman, T., and Schram, S. (eds.) Real social science: applied phronesis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 167-203

From Neighbourhood Governance to Neighbourhood Management: A 'Roll-Out' Neo-Liberal Design for Devolved Governance in the United Kingdom?
Griggs, S. and Roberts, M. (2012) From Neighbourhood Governance to Neighbourhood Management: A 'Roll-Out' Neo-Liberal Design for Devolved Governance in the United Kingdom? Local Government Studies, 38 (2), pp. 183-210

The Sandžak: A History
Morrison, K. and Roberts, E. (2012) The Sandžak: A History, OUP

Montenegro: A Polity in Flux 1989 - 2000
Morrison, K. (2012) Montenegro: A Polity in Flux 1989 - 2000. In: Ingrao and Emmert (eds), Confronting the Yugoslav Controversies: A Scholar’s Initiative (2nd ed.), West Lafayette: Purdue University Press, pp. 426-456

Network Governance Theory: A Gramscian Critique
Davies, J.S. (2012) Network Governance Theory: A Gramscian Critique. Environment and Planning A, 44 (11), pp. 2687-2704.

Urban politics and the new institutionalism
Davies, J.S, and Trounstine, J. (2012) Urban politics and the new institutionalism. In: Susan Clarke, Peter John and Karen Mossberger(eds), The Oxford Handbook of Urban Politics. Oxford University Press, pp. 51-70.

The European Union: A Beginner’s Guide
Blair, A. (2012) The European Union: A Beginner’s Guide (Oneworld), 211pp.

The significance of assignment feedback: from consumption to construction
Blair, A., Curtis, S. Goodwin, M. and Shields, S. (2012) The significance of assignment feedback: from consumption to construction. European Political Science, 12 (2), pp. 231-244

The UK and Lisbon
Blair, A. (2012) The UK and Lisbon. In: Finn Laursen (ed.) The Making of the EU’s Lisbon Treaty (PIE Peter Lang), pp.97-121

The BNP in local government.
Bottom, K. and Copus, C. (2011) The BNP in local government. In: Copsey, N. and Macklin, N. (eds.), British National Party: contemporary perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge.

A fiasco of volcanic proportions? Eyjafjallajkull and the closure of European airspace.
Budd, L. et al (2011) A fiasco of volcanic proportions? Eyjafjallajkull and the closure of European airspace. Mobilities, 6 (1), pp. 31-40.

Change, Continuity and Consolidation: Assessing Five Years of Montenegro’s Independence
Morrison, K. (2011) Change, Continuity and Consolidation: Assessing Five Years of Montenegro’s Independence, London School of Economics, LSEE Papers

Challenging Governance Theory: From Networks to Hegemony
Davies J S. (2011) Challenging Governance Theory: From Networks to Hegemony. Bristol: The Policy Press.

Governing Through Crime – the Case of the European Union
Baker, E. (2010) Governing Through Crime – the Case of the European Union. European Journal of Criminology, 7 (3), pp.187-213

The Criminal State Symbiosis and the Yugoslav Wars of Succession
Morrison, K. (2010) The Criminal State Symbiosis and the Yugoslav Wars of Succession. In: Colas and Mabee, Mercenaries, Pirates, Bandits and Empires, London: Hurst & Co.

The European Union since 1945
Blair, A. (2010) The European Union since 1945 (Longman Seminar Studies in History Series), 2nd edition, Longman

From past imperfect to future perfect? A longitudinal study of the third pillar.
Baker, E. and Harding, C.S. (2009) From Past Imperfect to Future Perfect? A Longitudinal Study of the Third Pillar. European Law Review, 34 (1), pp. 25-54

The European Union's "Area of Freedom, Security and (Criminal) Justice" ten years on.
Baker, E. (2009) The European Union's "Area of Freedom, Security and (Criminal) Justice" Ten Years On. Criminal Law Review, 12, pp. 833-850

Montenegro: A Modern History
Morrison, K. (2009) Montenegro: A Modern History, IB Tauris

The Political Life of Milo Djukanović
Morrison, K. (2009) The Political Life of Milo Djukanović. Southeast Europe.Journal of Politics and Society, 1 (2009), pp. 25-54

The United Kingdom and the Constitutional Treaty: Leading from within?  Blair, A.,, in Finn Laursen (ed.) The Rise and Fall of the EU’s Constitutional Treaty¸ Nijhoff/Brill, Leiden, 2008, pp.201-224.  ISBN: 978-90-04-16806-0.


