About the Centre of European Governance
The De Montfort University Centre of European Governance has been established as a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. The CEG brings together the disciplines of International Relations, Law, History, Politics, and Public Policy to bring a multi-disciplinary perspective to the issues of European governance.
Aims and objectives:
As one of only three modern UK universities to be awarded the status of Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in 2013, the DMU CEG aims to draw on its renown academic expertise in the area of European studies. A central objective is to expand on this research base, while engaging with locals and students to foster interest and debate on European issues. To this end, the Centre employs a number of innovative ways to engage with people and promote its research and publications, from social media and blogs to podcasts and seminars. The CEG is also committed to building a wealth of online and downloadable resources for students and researchers, and features important news items, releases from the likes of the House of Lords EU Committee, as well as downloadable files to help with the teaching and learning of the subject.
The Jean Monnet Programme
The Jean Monnet Programme is an initiative of the European Commission, launched in 1989, to promote teaching, research and involvement in European studies. Since its launch, the Programme has funded projects across seventy-two countries, inside and outside of Europe, including Centres of Excellence. The Programme takes its name from the French political economist and diplomat, Jean Monnet (1888-1979), viewed as one of the instrumental founders of what would become the EU.