Local Governance Research Centre consultancy and policy development

Our internationally recognised research strives to address the challenges and needs of policy-makers, practitioners and communities. We are committed to providing a strong link between research and practice, and we have a track record in co-production and user-engagement.

The centre undertakes research for a variety of bodies, ranging from the Economic and Social Research Council, the British Academy, the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, to pan-European bodies such as the Council of Europe, through to Government departments and select committees such as the Political and Constitutional Reform committee and the Housing, Communities and Local Government committee.

We have established partnerships with local government organisations and think tanks, notably working with the Association for Public Service Excellence to develop the model of the ‘ensuring council’. We have worked with individual councils across the country and abroad, as well as with NHS organisations, on policy development in areas as diverse as scrutiny reviews, municipal entrepreneurship, partnership working for the Welsh Government, patient involvement in health, and the accommodation needs of Gypsy and Traveller communities.

We are keen to continue working with organisations and communities across the world of local government. We are always happy to discuss opportunities to forge new collaborations, be it through consultancy, research and policy-advice, to individual councils and policy organisations, partnerships with local communities, or training and development programmes. If you have any questions about the work of the Local Governance Research Centre and how we might work with your organisation or community, do not hesitate to contact Professor Steven Griggs, Director of the Local Governance Research Centre (sgriggs@dmu.ac.uk tel: +44 (0)116 257 7786).