Service User and Carer Interviewers

Service User and Carer Interviewers:

From the success of a pilot study worked on by a small team of 10 researchers in 2008 the Service User and Carer Research Audit Network (SUCRAN) project was set up in 2010, led by a Steering Group of mental health service users and carers, in partnership with De Montfort University.

The group now employs a part time Project Manager and a pool of more than 30 interviewers.  The research interviewers are employed as bank staff by De Montfort University having completed interviews, training, CRB and occupational health checks. In additional to feeling empowered and gaining valuable work experience service users and carers are supported by peers, the project team, academics, welfare rights and have access to psychological support and interpreter services. Every stage of the process from questionnaire design to data analysis and report writing is service user and carer led – real involvement.

For individuals involved in the project the skills and confidence gained will help them take on more opportunities and even paid employment. It is encouraging to watch people grow through their involvement with this work.

Support for interviewers:

These teams are serviced by a Project Manager and Steering Group who provide a forum for the exchange of information and ideas surrounding research and audit activity, instigate, direct and evaluate the performance of Task and Finish Groups and support members in the execution of their duties. In addition, practical support for workers is provided by professionals from welfare rights, psychological support for those affected in any way by the work they are doing, translation and academic services.


'I would like to say thank you for the opportunity to work with SUCRAN.  For many years I barely left the house and never socialised.  Working for SUCRAN helped to give me confidence around people and reassured me that I was able to do a job.  It was a great stepping stone to getting permanent employment.' SUCRAN Interviewer.