Research Group Affiliations

The People’s Forum

The People’s Forum is an involvement organisation for mental health service users in Leicestershire and Rutland.  We engage with people across the county to find their views on mental health issues and represent these views to commissioners and service providers.  Our aim is to make mental health services better for everyone, and to be the voice of those who use those services.


Genesis is an independent project based in Leicester and is dedicated to promoting & supporting the voice of Service Users and Carers with mental health issues for people in the City of Leicester and beyond.

Through group advocacy and training for services users and carers, Genesis supports people to make their voices heard where it matters, to relate their experiences, and to achieve changes and reform to the way mental health services are planned and delivered.


LAMP is an independent voluntary organisation based in Leicester working to promote good mental health for everyone living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

LAMP believes that those who seek or use mental health services and their families and friends, should have a voice in how those services are provided and planned.