Call of papers
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The First Global Conference on Creating Value
May 23-24, 2018, Leicester Castle Business School
(De Montfort University, Leicester, UK)
In conjunction with the Customer Value Foundation and the Journal of Creating Value
How do we create and assess ‘value’ in a turbulent global economy?
Value creation underpins all business transactions and engagement. We all seek value for our businesses, as well as for ourselves and for our society. However, because we are so immersed in our day-to-day functional management, we often overlook opportunities for value creation, possibly to the detriment of our businesses and society (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000). Successful businesses and leaders create value for their eco-systems which include themselves, their companies, customers, employees, partners and society, mostly unconsciously, yet there are challenges in gauging and assessing ‘value’ (Hinterhuber, 2017). This conference is a wake-up call to improve our understanding of the concept of value and, moreover, to find ways of creating value consciously and more abundantly which will in turn allow us to compete more effectively, to build social value and to thrive and be ready for the challenges of a changing and disruptive world. Carl Jung stated: “unless you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.”
In the First Global Conference on Creating Value, business leaders and leading academics from around the world will come together to exchange views, and to share and learn from each other regarding the problems, the potential and the real life uses of value creation, and how it can transform management, organizations and institutions. The conference will operate settings which allow business leaders and academics to work together to establish the action research and development project they wish to see emerge and what would help them in value creation. The conference will provide relaxed, meaningful and purposeful opportunities to talk about latest thinking on value creation and service for improving the worth of companies, their longevity, their ability to be ahead of and tackle disruptive forces, and to embed a value creation leadership style going far beyond traditional and functional management so as to engender a value creation mind-set and avoiding value destruction in the future.
The Conference will also focus on value, social good and the well-being of the interconnecting dynamics of production, profit, people and planet invoking consideration of sustainable and responsible value creation (Elkington, 1999; Skene and Murray, 2015). It will help you examine the change in value for constituents and yourself as a host of new ideas such as driverless cars, artificial intelligence, IT transformations, changing ageing profiles and health care, impact on corporations, businesses, society, service providers, governments, taxes, insurance, suppliers and sellers, infrastructure etc. Value is all around us and the conference will help you become aware of this value and facilitate the generation of ideas and understanding so as to be creative and innovative. Rub shoulders with the best thinkers and the best practitioners in the world to be ahead of competition.
The Conference welcomes presentations and seminars in a wide variety of formats. If you have a particular original idea for a session or an event at the Conference please contact the organisers to discuss it – we will be delighted to support your ideas.
We welcome innovation and fresh and thought-provoking approaches.
Possible suggested topics on which papers, presentations, talks, films, documentaries etc. may be offered include, by way of illustration and in no way intended to be comprehensive include:
Investigating and understanding value(s);
- Creating value for yourself;
- Creating value for others;
- Value creation for customers;
- Creating value for your businesses and society;
- Creating value in the future;
- Value creation and leadership;
- Manufacturing processes and value creation;
- Value destruction;
- Operationalising value creation;
- Value creation and the circular economy;
- Value creation in relation to specific functional areas: accounting, finance, IT, marketing, sales, production, after-sales service, customer relations etc.;
- Values as a belief, attitude and perspective;
- Values and the relationship with (organizational) culture(s);
- Future prospects for value creation;
- Threats, risks and dangers for value creation;
- Non-market strategies and value creation;
- Sustainable and responsible management and leadership and value creation;
- Corporate Social Responsibility and value creation;
- Organizational development and value creation.
Submission Guidelines
Written abstracts and proposals should typically be no more than two pages in length. Font should be Times Roman – size 12
Sources and referencing should follow Harvard formatting.
Final submitted papers should typically be no more than 7000 words in length.
N.B. We welcome, and indeed actively encourage, innovative, insightful and varied approaches and formats of materials, sessions and presentations submitted to the Conference. Therefore, we recognise that these guidelines are only indicative and you may wish to propose a session which requires alternative media, presentation and styling. Please feel free to discuss your ideas with the Conference organisers (see below)
Conference Co-Chairs and Co-Convenors
Gautam Mahajan (President Customer Value Foundation and Founder Editor of the Journal of Creating Value)
Gautam Mahajan, Founder Editor of the Journal of Creating Value and President of Customer Value Foundation is the leading global thought leader in Total Customer Value Management. Mr Mahajan worked for a Fortune 50 company in the USA for 17 years and had hand-on experience in consulting, training of leaders, professionals, managers and CEOs from numerous MNCs and local conglomerates like Tata, Birla and Godrej groups. He is also the author of widely acclaimed books “Customer Value Investment: Formula for Sustained Business Success”, “Total Customer Value Management: Transforming Business Thinking” and "Value Creation: The Definitive Guide for Business Leaders". He was President, of the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce, and was Chairman, PlastIndia Committee, Vice President All India Plastics Manufacturers Association, Trustee Plastics Institute of America. He was a member of the US India think tank. He was Chairman of the US India Economics Relations Forum. Among his honours is a Fellowship from Harvard Business School and Illinois Institute of Technology. He also has 18 US patents. He was honoured by the Illinois Institute of Technology with its Distinguished Alumni award in 2001. Recently, he spoke at the Center for American and International Law in Dallas to an audience of 35 countries on India, and at Berlin in 2006 at the European Fine Chemicals Conference, and in 2011 in New York, Akron, Columbus, Denver, Chicago and California. He spoke to CEO’s from 26 European companies in 2008. He was written up in the Wall Street Journal. He also gave the first Distinguished Engineering lecture at Illinois followed by a Distinguished Management lecture. In September 2011, he spent time in the US talking about Indo-US relations and how to improve them. Mr Mahajan is a graduate of IIT Madras, where he was an Institute Merit Scholar, has a Master’s degree in Mechanics and has completed his PhD coursework from the Illinois Institute of Technology, and an MBA from Suffolk University.
Professor Peter Stokes (Professor of Leadership and Professional Development, Leicester Castle Business School)
Peter Stokes is Professor of Leadership and Professional Development. Previously he was a professor in the University of Chester Business School where, in addition to successfully completing faculty-wide Deputy Dean (2012-2015), Acting Executive Dean (2012-2014), Director of Research and Knowledge Transfer (2014-2015) assignments he played a leading role in national and international research and knowledge transfer projects.
He has taught, researched, published and reviewed extensively in world-class journals in the areas of, among others: Human Resource Management; Leadership Values and Behaviours; Business Ethics; Management Philosophy; Organizational Design, Critical Management Studies, and Research Methodology. His work has appeared in leading journals such as, for example: Human Resource Management; Organization; Studies in Higher Education; Journal of Organizational Change Management; Employee Relations; Entrepreneurship and Regional Development and Thunderbird International Business Review. In addition, he has published books on research methods, postgraduate research, critical management studies and organizational management. He is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Organizational Analysis and serves on a number of international journal boards including the EuroMed Journal of Business and the Journal of Value Creation. He has been visiting professor and academic advisor in businesses and university business schools in a number of countries including: France, Holland, Spain, Ireland, Germany, Senegal (West Africa),Vietnam, Morocco, Hong Kong, China, India and Dubai.
He has applied his work through national and international knowledge transfer and consultancy projects across a range of business sectors encompassing utilities, construction, publishing, aerospace, diplomatic, emergency services and local government. He currently hold a number of positions on major international bodies including: Vice-President-Business Relations and UK Country Director for the EuroMed Research Business Institute (EMBRI); UK Ambassador for the Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (French Academic HR Association); Organizing Committee of the Research Methodology SIG – British Academy of Management; member of the British Standards Institute (BSI) Human Capital Standards Committee; member of the Steering Committee of the Spiritual Capital Development Company, Institute of Directors, and Associate of the MBRF Foundation (Dubai).
Email: or
Professor Dana Brown (Pro-Vice Chancellor, Enterprise and Principal Leicester Castle Business School, DMU)
Raised by her mother in America with her father in England, Dana’s life and career has spanned the two countries and beyond. While completing her BA in Political Science and Slavic Languages at Rutgers University in New Jersey, she spent a year at Exeter University and a further year on Exeter’s Russian language programme in Moscow. After completing her BA, Dana was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship to study for the MPhil in Russian and East European Studies at St. Antony’s College, Oxford University. She later earned her PhD in Political Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), completing a dissertation on the intersection of market and social reform in former Soviet countries.
Dana has worked in and closely with business, starting in high school when she had the opportunity work alongside a former chief executive of F.W. Woolworth during the launch a new start-up retail venture. She was also amongst the first employees of, where she worked as Senior Manager of Operations in the period leading up to the company’s IPO. At MIT, she was part of an initiative of Sloan School of Management that invited executives from the global clothing and footwear industries to participate in emerging discussions about labour issues in global supply chains. She has worked with several companies in executive education and has supervised a number of student entrepreneurship projects, many of which have been launched into successful businesses.
In higher education, Dana served as Director of the Trenton Academic Centre at Rutgers University, facilitating early experiments in distance learning. After her Ph.D. she was appointed as University Lecturer in International Business at Said Business School and Clore Fellow of Management at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University. At Oxford, Dana sat on the LMH Governing Body, Development and Strategic Planning Committees, and led the college’s student exchange programme. At Said Business School, she co-directed an interdisciplinary forum on Corporate Social Responsibility, the Oxford-Achilles Working Group on CSR. She moved to France in 2010 to take up a Professorship of Strategy at EM-LYON Business School, where she was also the Academic Director of the Doctorate in Business Administration run jointly with Sun-Yat sen University. In 2013, she returned to Oxford as the Director of the MBA at Said Business School and oversaw a curricular reform and significant growth and internationalisation of the programme. Dana has also taught executive education and MBA courses at Oxford, EMLYON, IE Business School and the American University in Cairo.
In 2014, Dana completed certification as an Executive Coach with Meyler-Campbell in London and practices informally. She has worked for eight years as a selector for the Alfa Fellowship Programme, which sends young professionals from America, the UK and Germany on a ten month professional development programme in Moscow. Dana is also involved with Warm Heart, a social enterprise providing opportunities for children and their communities in the Phrao region of Thailand.
Dr Gerardus (Gertjan) Lucas (Vice-Chancellor’s 2020 Lecturer in Business and Management, Leicester Castle Business School)
Dr Gerardus (Gertjan) JM Lucas received his PhD from the Center for Innovation Research at Tilburg University (The Netherlands) in 2014. While working on his PhD, Gertjan was an owner/manager of PLV Consultancy BV providing ICT related advice and services to SMEs. Furthermore, he was a part-time lecturer at the Department of Organization Studies at Tilburg University. Thereafter, Gertjan held a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver (Canada). Currently, he is a Vice-Chancellor’s 2020 Lecturer in Business and Management as well as PG Research Coordinator for the Department of Strategic Management & Marketing at Leicester Castle Business School. Gertjan is part of De Montfort University’s Future Research Leaders program (Cycle 4) and a driving force in a number of research initiatives at Leicester Castle Business School.
Dr. Lucas’s research revolves around how strategic decision-makers collect, interpret and act upon performance information pertaining to their organization. This line of work on adaptive aspirations and performance feedback is rooted in Cyert and March’s Behavioral Theory of the Firm and part of the larger Behavioral Strategy research field. Gertjan has studied the influence of performance feedback on decision-making regarding R&D and innovation as well as on decisions of producers, directors and studio executives in the North American feature-film industry. Next to this, he is interested in topics such as creativity and group dynamics.
In his teaching, Dr. Lucas has emphasized personal development of students. His approach involves handing them the tools and confidence to do well and be able to apply what they learned in the classroom to future challenges. Gertjan has thought courses on Management, Strategy, Organizational Behaviour and Research Methods. Moreover, he has supervised undergraduate students writing their thesis as well as Postgraduate Research students. Some of these students delivered exceptional work and Gertjan successfully worked with them to publish their results as academic papers.
Professor Paul Hughes (Professor of Strategic Management, Leicester Castle Business School)
Paul Hughes is Professor of Strategic Management at Leicester Castle Business School, De Montfort University. Paul was previously Senior Lecturer in Strategy and Director of Centre for Entrepreneurship at Durham University and Lecturer in Strategic Management at Loughborough University. His research is published widely in internationally-recognised outlets such as Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of World Business, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, British journal of Management, Journal of International Marketing, industrial Marketing Management International Marketing Review, and Journal of Business Research. In 2013, a research paper by Paul and his colleagues, Dr Yiannis Kouropalatis and Professor Robert Morgan, on pursuing ‘flexible commitment’ won the Outstanding Paper Award for 2012 in the European Journal of Marketing.
Current research interests include (i) planning and improvisation in strategic decision-making and their coexistence; (ii) adherence to strategy and counter-intuitive strategies; (iii) strategic resources and dynamic capabilities; (iv) strategic entrepreneurship; and, (v) strategic failure.
Along with Professor Anne Souchon of Loughborough University, Paul has founded the 'Global Improvisation Dynamics #GID' with members from across universities in Nottingham, Leeds, ALBA (Greece) and Ruppin (Israel). The goal of this consortium is to act as a research centre but across universities and expand our research agenda on strategic decision-making.
A highly skilled data analyst and business thinker, Paul has consulted for several businesses and has been a commentator on management and leadership in the media. Paul is a regular contributor on BBC Radio Cymru in discussing current business events (in particular business failures). His work has also been publicised and discussed (and with him contributing) live on BBC Radio 5 Live (our football research into managerial change) and online.
Leicester Castle Business School
Leicester Castle Business School has been created by De Montfort University Leicester (DMU) to meet the needs of 21st century business.
Under the leadership of Professor Dana Brown, the school will go beyond business as usual, offering a unique learning environment where students are encouraged to challenge convention and are given the opportunities and tools to think, create and inspire.
Students will enjoy a transformational experience, benefiting from:
DMU is a vibrant, multicultural hub of learning, creativity and innovation and Leicester Castle Business School sits right at its heart, offering a career pathway to students who want to stand out in the international employment market.
*Terms and conditions apply
Eisenhardt, K. M., & Martin, J. A. (2000). Dynamic capabilities: what are they?. Strategic management journal, 1105-1121.
Elkington, J. (1999). Triple bottom-line reporting: Looking for balance. AUSTRALIAN CPA, 69, 18-21.
Hinterhuber, A. (2017 forthcoming). Value quantification capabilities in industrial markets. Journal of Business Research.
Skene, K & Murray, A. (2015) Sustainable Economics: context, Challenges and Opportunities for the 21st Century Practitioner, Sheffield, Greenleaf Publishing.