An opportunity to apply for courses at De Montfort University Leicester (DMU) will be offered at the next Open Day on 1 July.

Prospective students will have the opportunity to meet up with a team of specialist advisors on our campus and could even receive an offer for a course starting this September.
The advisors will talk through options and applicants could have a place at DMU arranged long before A-level results day in August, meaning they can look forward to a stress-free summer.
The opportunity is open to those who haven’t yet applied to university, have changed their mind about the course they want to study or are already planning for Clearing.
Visit DMU on a virtual open day - click here*
Find out how to plan your Open Day visit*
Discover which courses you can apply for in ClearingKarla Juerges, DMU School and College Recruitment and Enquiries Manager, said: “Clearing has historically been thought of as the last resort or only for those students that don’t meet their grades. In fact Clearing is much more than that. Clearing is another opportunity to make the right choice about which course to study and which university to go to, or even to make a first application if students haven’t already done so.
“This is a huge decision to make and not everyone gets it right first time. So if you need help or would just like to talk through your options with a friendly advisor, drop in to chat to us face to face at the DMU Open Day on Saturday 1 July.
“You never know - going through Clearing could be the best decision you’ve ever made.”
If you feel Clearing is for you call 0116 257 7000 and DMU advisors can tell you what you need to bring to the Open Day on Saturday 1 July in order to take up the offer of a place.
You can view the courses that are available
here. The website also has a series of advice and guidance videos from staff and students, success stories of students who have come to DMU via Clearing in the past and lots of top tips and FAQs.
Posted on Tuesday 20 June 2017