Reusable nappies are not rubbish

Edith Murphy 1.25
28/04/2022 (14:00-15:00)
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Did you know that between birth to potty training a baby will use more than 5000 single use nappies yet a family using reusable nappies need just 25 to 30 nappies from when baby is about 10lbs to last them until potty training? By switching to reusable nappies, families can save up to £1,500 with one child with subsequent savings for each additional child with whom the nappies are used. 

Perhaps you or someone you know have a child in nappies or are expecting a baby in the near future? This ‘Reusable Nappy Week’ join Dr Kylie Baldwin DMU academic and lead of the community initiative the ‘Leicester Cloth Nappy Library’ funded by DMU Local and Leicester City Council to learn more about what reusable nappies are, why you might want to use them, how to use, wash and care for them and to see and touch some in person at this face-to-face event.  

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