Dr Kyungeun Sung

Job: Senior Lecturer in Product Design

Faculty: Arts, Design and Humanities

School/department: School of Design

Research group(s): Design and New Product Development

Address: De Montfort University (DMU), Leicester, LE1 9BH, UK

T: +44 (0)116 207 8498

E: Kyungeun.sung@dmu.ac.uk

Social Media:


Personal profile

Kyungeun’s research broadly deals with design and sustainability focusing on upcycling (see research interests for details). Her current project is UKRI AHRC-funded International Upcycling Research Network

Kyungeun is interested in supervising PhD students. If you are interested please see research interests/expertise and publications to see more information about her research field.  

Publications and outputs

Key research outputs

Sung, K., Cooper, T., Kettley, S. (2022) Adapting Darnton's Nine Principles Framework for Behaviour Change: The UK Upcycling Case Study. Sustainability, 14(3), 1919.

Sung, K., Singh, J., & Bridgens, B. (2021) State-of-the-Art Upcycling Research and Practice: Proceedings of the International Upcycling Practice 2020. Cham: Springer. 

Sung, K., Cooper, T., Oehlmann, J., Singh, J. and Mont, O. (2020). Multi-stakeholder perspectives on scaling up UK fashion upcycling businesses. Fashion Practice, 1-20. 

Sung, K. Cooper, T. and Kettley, S. (2019). Developing Interventions for Scaling Up UK Upcycling. Energies, 12(14), 1-31.

Sung, K., Cooper, T. and Kettley, S. (2019). Factors Influencing Upcycling for UK Makers. Sustainability, 11(3), 1-26.

Singh, J., Sung, K., Cooper, T., West, K. and Mont, O. (2019). Challenges and opportunities for scaling up upcycling businesses - The case of textile and wood upcycling businesses in the UK. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 150, 104439.  

Sung, K., Cooper, T., Kettley, S. (2018). Emerging Social Movements for Sustainability: Understanding and Scaling Up Upcycling in the UK. In: Brinkmann R., Garren S. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Sustainability. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 299-312.

Sung, K., Cooper, T. and Kettley, S. (2017). Individual upcycling in the UK: Insights for scaling up towards sustainable development. in W. Filho (Ed), Sustainable Development Research at Universities in the United Kingdom, Cham: Springer, 193-227.

Sung, K., and Cooper, T. (2015). Sarah Turner–Eco-artist and designer through craft-based upcycling. Craft Research, 6(1), 113-122.

Research interests/expertise

  • Product design and new product development
  • Sustainable art, design and craft
  • Sustainable production, businesses and supply chains
  • Sustainable behaviour, consumption and lifestyles 
  • Upcycling and circular economy 
  • Systems thinking and innovation 
  • Product-service systems and service innovation
  • Design education 

Areas of teaching

  • Product Design
  • Sustainable Design
  • New Product Development 


  • PhD in sustainable design at Nottingham Trent University, UK (thesis titled Sustainable production and consumption by upcycling: Understanding and scaling up niche environmentally significant behaviour)
  • Fellow in Higher Education Academy (AdvanceHE)
  • PGCert in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education at De Montfort University, UK
  • MSc in Strategic Product Design at Delft University of Technology, Netherlands (dissertation titled Needs Assessment of South Sudanese Base of the Pyramid Customers on Health, Water and Sanitation)
  • BSc in Industrial Design at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea 

Courses taught

  • Product Design (BA, BSc, MA, MSc)

Membership of professional associations and societies

  • Design Research Society (03/05/2015 – present) Member
  • The Design Society (25/03/2016 – present) Member
  • British Academy of Management (07/12/2016 – present) Member 

Conference attendance

See my conference presentation slides here: https://www.kyungeunsung.com/home/conference-presentations

Current research students

See my current research students here: https://www.kyungeunsung.com/home/phd-supervision-and-teaching 

Externally funded research grants information

See my grant information here: https://www.kyungeunsung.com/home/funding

Internally funded research project information

See my grant information here: https://www.kyungeunsung.com/home/funding

Published patents

Sung, K., Hyun, S., and Lee, C. (2010). Earset. US7684560 B2; CN101060722A; CN101060722B; EP1848242A2; US20080013714 

Sung, K., Hyun, S., and Lee, C. (2008). Cellular phone. USD560193 S1

Sung, K., Hyun, S., and Lee, C. (2007). Portable phone. USD555134 S1

Sung, K., Hyun, S., and Lee, C. (2007). Selective type headset. US20070230735 A1 

Professional esteem indicators

See my PhD examinations and review records here: https://www.kyungeunsung.com/home/phd-examinations-and-reviews

See my academic roles, accolades and memberships here: https://www.kyungeunsung.com/home/academic-roles-accolades-and-memberships

Other research activities 

See my impact activities here: https://www.kyungeunsung.com/home/impact-activities

See my other research activities here: https://www.kyungeunsung.com/home/other-research-activities

Kyungeun Sung