The NEPTUNE Project

Delivering sustainable water systems by optimising existing infrastructure via improved knowledge, understanding and technology - project NEPTUNE

EPSRC Strategic Partnership Grant (EP/E003192/1), (2007-2010)

Academic Collaborators: Cambridge University, De Montfort University, Exeter University, Imperial College, Leicester University, Sheffield University

Industrial Collaborators: Yorkshire Water Services (YWS), ABB Ltd and United Utilities (UU)

Project Objectives:

  • To develop pragmatic, robust and novel methods and technologies to understand system performance in real time.
  • To develop a novel approach and practical tools for pressure management in order to improve customer service, efficiency and sustainability of water distribution systems and to test innovative technology in which pressure management will be linked with energy consumption and leakage reduction.
  • To develop an integrated, risk-based decision support system for evaluation of intervention strategies (both tactical and strategic) to inform decision making for sustainable water system operation.
  • To increase operator awareness, understanding and knowledge of system performance to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of operation and service delivery.
  • To develop knowledge, capabilities and tools to integrate system operation and enable intervention in system operation in real time to maintain and enhance performance.
  • The implementation and validation of prototype outputs from the above in conjunction with on-going business processes utilising and developing innovative ideas.

DMU led Research priority Area 2 (WPA) with following work packages:

  • Development of a methodology and software tools for the design of pressure control schemes: long term planning and operational planning of zones for pressure management.
  • Feedback control schemes for different types of district metered areas DMAs: develop
  • A theory of steady state and dynamic control of pressure management zones.
  • The development of local (embedded) control algorithms for pressure reducing valves PRVs: Improving dynamic behaviour of DMAs under control of PRVs.
  • The development of supervisory pressure control schemes covering wide areas: Introduce a supervisory pressure control system to minimise leakage, energy consumption and customer interruptions.
  • Co-ordination of pump control in a grid with pressure control of DMAs: Tool facilitating the off-line and on-line energy management in the grid part and in the distribution part of the water system.
  • Automatic monitoring of leakage and burst detection through the installed supervisory control system: To reduce water and energy losses by developing an advanced burst localisation.







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