Managerial Development and Control

Module code: ACFI3213

Module description

This module will examine the area of strategic management supported by relevant accounting concepts, tools and techniques. This module has a significant hands-on element to allow students to put theory into practice and utilises a business simulation, with students managing a business as the basis of their learning, in seminars. Some overview of management theory will be needed especially in relation to the functional areas of an organisation.

The ACFI3213 module makes a significant contribution towards the final strategic level examinations for the UK accountancy professional bodies.

Contact hours per student per year

  • Lectures: 22 hours
  • Tutorials: 22 hours


  • Business Report (1,500 words): 50%
  • Presentation supported by five brief management reports, 5 minutes per team member (e.g. 5 group members = 25 minutes): 50%

Additional costs: No extra costs other than purchase of books