Social Capital and Resilience

  • Boeck, T and Fleming, J (2010) The role of social capital and resources in resilience to risk, in H. Kemshall and B. Wilkinson (eds) ‘GOOD PRACTICE IN RISK ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT –VOL 3’ Jessica Kingsley Publishers
  • Boeck, T (2009) Social Capital and Young People, in J. Wood and J. Hine (eds) (2009) Work with Young People: Theory and Policy for Practice. London: SAGE
  • Kemshall H, Boeck T and Fleming J (2009) ‘Risk, Youth and Moving On’ in British Journal of Criminal Justice , 7 (2)

  • Boeck, T, Fleming, J. and Kemshall, H. (2008) Social capital, resilience and desistance: The ability to be a risk navigator. British Journal of Community Justice, 6 (3) pp. 5-21
  • Boeck, T. Fleming, J. & Kemshall, H.(2006) The Context of Risk Decisions: Does Social Capital Make a Difference? Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research [On-line Journal], 7(1), Art. 17. Available at:
  • Kemshall H., Marsland L., Boeck.T., Dunkerton L (2006) Young People, Pathways and Crime: Beyond Risk Factors The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 39 (3) 354-370
  • Boeck, T., Fleming, J., Hine J. and Kemshall, H. (2006)Pathways into and out of crime for young people. Childright, July August 2006, pp: 18-21
  • Boeck, T. and Fleming, J. (2005) Social Policy - A Help or a Hindrance to Social Capital? Social Policy and Society, 4 (3) 259-270

  • Fleming, J. and Boeck, T. (2005), 'Can social capital be a framework for participative evaluation of community health work?' in Taylor, D. and Balloch, S. (eds.), The Politics of Evaluation: Participation and policy implementation, Bristol, The Policy Press
  • Boeck, T. and Fleming, J. (2002) Social capital and the Nottingham Social Action Research Project, Nottingham Social Action Research Project, Nottingham City Primary Care Trust, SARP; Nottingham
  • Boeck T., McCullough P., Ward D.(2001)Increasing social capital to combat social exclusion; The Social Action contribution, in Matthies. A, Narhi K, M, and Ward, D (2001) The Eco-Social Approach in Social Work, SoPhi, Jyvaskyla
  • Turunen P., Matthies A., Narhi k., Boeck T., Albers S. (2001) Practical models and theoretical findings in combating social exclusion; a comparative perspective, in
  • Matthies. A, Narhi K, M, and Ward, D (2001) The Eco-Social Approach in Social work, SoPhi, Jyvaskyla


  • Amplified Leicester: Impact on social capital and cohesion Boeck T and Thomas S (2010)
  • Social Capital in Leicestershire Survey Report Boeck T et al (2010)
  • Volunteering and Faith Communities in England Boeck T, Fleming J, Smith R and Thorp L (2009)
  • The Impact of Volunteering on Social Capital and Community CohesionReport written by Thilo Boeck – January 2009
  • Cohesive Communities in LeicestershireReport prepared by Thilo Boeck and Jon Adamson - July 2007
  • Social Capital and Stronger Communities in Leicestershire Full Report - prepared by Thilo Boeck, Martin Gage, Jon Adamson, Jo Cheney and Sharon Pye - May 2007
  • Social Capital and Stronger Communities in Leicestershire Executive Summary- prepared by Thilo Boeck, Martin Gage, Jon Adamson, Jo Cheney and Sharon Pye - May 2007
  • Leicester Community Cohesion Evaluation and Assessment Framework Report prepared by Thilo Boeck, Monica Glover, Mark Johnson and Lee Harrison - January 2007