Person Centred Support
- Fleming J (2012) ‘Service user involvement what it is and what it could be’ in Beresford P and Carr S (eds) Social Care, Service Users and User Involvement . pp52-69 Jessica Kingsley Research Highlights series. Jessica Kingsley
- Beresford, P. Fleming, J. Glynn, M. Bewley, C. Croft, S. Branfield, F. Postle, K (2011), Supporting People: Towards person-centred support Bristol: Policy Press pp442
- Glynn M, Beresford Standards We Expect, Bewley C, Branfield F, Butt J, Croft S, Dattani Pitt K, Fleming J, Flynn R, Patmore C, Postle K and Turner M. (2008) Person-centred support - What service users and practitioners say York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation pp94
- Fleming J, Glynn M, Griffin R, Beresford P, Bewley C, Branfield F, Croft S, Postle K (2011) Person Centred Support: Choices for End of Life Care , Shaping Our Lives in association with Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- Postle K, Croft S, Fleming J, Beresford P, Bewley C, Branfield F , Glynn M (2011) Working Towards Person-centred Support: A local case study Shaping Our Lives in association with Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- Croft S, Bewley C, Beresford P, Branfield F, Fleming J, Glynn M, Postle K (2011) Person-Centred Support: A guide to person centred working for practitioners Shaping Our Lives in association with Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- Bewley C, Branfield F, Glynn M, Beresford P, Croft S, Fleming J, Postle K ( 2011) Person-Centred Support: A service users’ guide Shaping Our Lives in association with JRF
- Glynn M, Beresford P, Bewley C, Branfield F, Croft S, Fleming J, Postle K (2011) Making Change: A guide to running successful and accessible workshops and training Shaping Our Lives in association with Joseph Rowntree Foundation
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