Centre for Law, Justice and Society Publications

Baker, Dennis J. (2016) Reinterpreting Criminal Complicity and Inchoate Participation Offences, London: Routledge

Beckett, Megan (2021) Book Review: Accessorial Liability After Jogee. The Cambridge Law Journal 8(2): 404-407

Holden, Stephen & Pietro Sorbello (2022).Developing a Working Model to Fight Fiscal Corruption: The Nexus at Which Tax Crimes and Corruption Meet. Law & Contemporary Problems 85(4)185-211

Ita, Rachael & David Hicks  (2021) Beyond Expansion or Restriction? Models of Interaction between the Living Instrument and Margin of Appreciation Doctrines and the Scope of the ECHR, International Human Rights Law Review 10(1) 30-74

Mackay, Ronnie (2020) ‘Nature’, ‘Quality’ and Mens Rea - Some Observations on ‘Defect of Reason’ and the First Limb of the M’Naghten Rules, Criminal Law Review 7: 585-593

Merritt, Jonathan & Jessica Horton (2019) Show Me Your Horse and I Will Tell You Who You Are: Brexit, a Chance to Acknowledge Animal Sentience in Law, Denning Law Journal 31: 5-40

Mills, Lize (2021) Mater Semper (In)Certus Est: A South African Perspective on McConnell v Registrar General for England and Wales, The South African Law Journal 138 (2) 397-422

Morgan-Taylor, Martin (2023) Regulating light pollution: More than just the night sky - Impacts on ecology, health, energy, and climate are critical, Science 380 (6650) 1118-1120

Nyamutata, Conrad (2020) Young Terrorists or Child Soldiers? ISIS Children, International Law and Victimhood, Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 237-261

Omar, Paul & C. Umfreville et al (2018) Recognition of UK Insolvency Proceedings Post-Brexit: The Impact of a ‘No Deal’ Scenario 27(3) International Insolvency Review 422-444

Parpworth, Neil (2019) Whither section 89(1) of the Police Act 1996?, Journal of Criminal Law 83(2) 136-143

Rodway, Helen (2022) Invoking Human Rights to Protect Unmarried Couples, Child and Family Law Quarterly 34(3) 221-239

Shaw, Julia J.A. (2020) 'Lefebvre and the Law: social justice, the spatial imaginary and new technologies', in The Routledge Handbook of Henri Lefebvre: The City and Urban Society 187-206

Walsh, Dave & Ray Bull (2015) The association between evidence disclosure, questioning strategies, interview skills, and interview outcomes, Psychology, Crime and Law 21(7) 661-680