ITMS has undertaken essential upgrade works to the university’s swipe card system over the summer, to ensure our technologies remain secure and resilient.
We are asking all returning students to update their cards in the first week of returning to campus. This is required to ensure continued access to buildings.
Where to update
To update your card, please visit one of the below designated locations:
- Any wall-mounted card reader on campus – these can be found on nearly every building’s external entrance or entrance lobby/corridor doors, with distinct signage available
- Hugh Aston Building front of house reception (HU 0.41)
- Vijay Patel Building reception (VP 0.50)
- Kimberlin Library entrance foyer (KL 0.01 wall-mounted on the left hand side, past the double doors).
- Hawthorn Help Zone (HA 00.38a).
How to update
Wall-mounted card readers can vary in appearance (please see the below examples), but they all have the same function. Simply hold your card against the wall-mounted card readers until the LED on the reader stops flashing (approx. 2-3 seconds). The update will complete regardless of if you have access to the area or not.
Please note that swiping your card on an electronic door handle is not going to update your card - you will need to use one of the card readers.
What happens if you don’t update
If you do not update your card you may not be able to access areas equipped with electronic doors (buildings, offices, laboratories etc.)
If you experience this, simply update your card in one of the designated locations.
We are grateful for your continued support and co-operation as we manage this process.
Posted on Friday 20 September 2019