The Office for Students (OfS) Postgraduate Survey is part of a research programme by the OfS, the independent regulator of higher education in England, exploring how best to collect feedback from PGT students about their course experience.

More than 60 universities and colleges are participating in the first trial of this survey, including DMU. It is similar to the National Student Survey (NSS) which you may have completed in your final undergraduate year.
Why should I take part?
The OfS want to hear directly from you about your course experience. By taking part in the survey you will contribute towards providing a broad insight into what it is like to be a postgraduate student at an English university.
You will also help the OfS with their research to develop an effective tool in the future for collecting postgraduate student feedback – a tool that could be used to ensure you receive a high-quality academic experience.
How do I complete the survey?
Click here to access the survey. You can complete it online using a computer, tablet or mobile device and it should only take 10 minutes.
The deadline to complete is Friday 16 August.
The findings of the research will be shared in early 2020 and will be used to inform any future development of a regular survey.
Please note that your responses will be strictly confidential and no individual students will be identifiable in the data that is shared with participating universities and colleges.
To find out more about the OfS Postgraduate survey, please click here.
Posted on Thursday 30 May 2019