#DMUglobal reveals its biggest-ever launch of opportunities

Architecture in Abu Dhabi, business in Beijing and content creation in Cambodia – these are just some of the incredible #DMUglobal opportunities available from today.

Almost 50 trips have gone live on the #DMUglobal website for students at De Montfort University Leicester (DMU) – the single largest launch of trips yet.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

An incredible variety of experiences and countries have been put together by DMUglobal, set up to bring a new dimension to studies as well as enriching personal experiences. Students from all years can choose from opportunities in locations as wide-ranging as China, Guatemala, India, Prague, Paris and Florida. Trips have been put together to benefit students across all four of DMU's faculties, Health and Life Sciences, Business and Law, Technology and Arts, Design and Humanities as well as volunteering trips run by DMU Square Mile.

It includes a flagship mass trip to New York in January  – but there is plenty more besides which will add value, enrich student experience and capture the imagination.

Washington DC, USA

Each trip has been put together by course leaders and lecturers to underpin materials studied, core modules or develop key themes on degree courses at DMU.

John Coster, lecturer in the Faculty of Technology, is leading a trip to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, for Media Production students.

Students will help compile an oral history of the country including the experiences of people living under the Khymer regime of the 1970s.

He said: "The #DMUglobal trip to Cambodia is truly a unique opportunity for our students. Working alongside students from one of South-East Asia's newest universities, we shall be capturing the stories of women from a period in Cambodia's history that is still shapes the world we live in today.


Beijing, China

This trip offers the chance to experience this beautiful country alongside students who are determined to shape there future going into the 21st century."

Business students can travel to Italy to study the ways in which SMEs and big business work together to thrive in Trieste, which has become a centre for creative businesses.
Students from the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences have the opportunity to deconstruct the American Dream as they examine health inequalities and poverty in Florida, and the responses of communities to those issues.

Architecture students have the chance to look at sustainable urban planning in Abu Dhabi, while politics students can visit Washington DC as part of their examination of American politics.  

All fee-paying students who accept their place onto an overseas #DMUglobal experience will be eligible for a bursary - £150 for a European visit, and £400 for an opportunity outside of Europe.

The Film Studies’ visit to Wonder Con in Los Angeles has been a fixture in the #DMUglobal calendar for three years and is led by Associate Professor Matt Jones.

It is tied into the Audiences and Fandom module taught to second year students. Matt said: “The students get so much from taking part in this. It develops their thinking about fan cultures and how it relates to people’s lives and it’s a fun experience.”

Posted on Monday 2 October 2017

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