‘Get the Picture!?’: Using everyday photography in conversations about living with chronic health conditions.
In this session I’ll be talking about my journey from fresh-faced, Leicester-trained sociology teacher in the 80s to my current role as a somewhat more ‘seasoned’, Leicester-based critical health psychologist at DMU. I’ll be explaining what puts the ‘critical’ in critical health psychology, why I promote the use of a diverse range of qualitative methodologies in human inquiry, and why I feel psychologists need to get much better at valuing the expertise of their community research partners. In particular, I’ll be focusing on some recent and current collaborations that use participatory photography approaches to the study of living with serious long-term conditions and through the discussion of some photographs that I hope you’ll find both powerful and intriguing, we’ll explore some of the ethical, theoretical and methodological benefits and challenges of meaningfully bringing together visual and verbal data in health research.
A drinks reception will follow after the lecture.
Please contact Engagement Events on engage@dmu.ac.uk if you have any questions.