Exploring women's experiences in respect to their dress, body and space

Hugh Aston 1.49
04/03/2024 (13:00-14:00)

To sign up for this event, please email momina.afzal@dmu.ac.uk.


The event presents ongoing research on experiences of women in accounting in respect to their dress, body and space. By attending the event, you will enjoy a thought-provoking presentation on the intersection of dress, body, and space in women's lives. Gain insights into how women navigate and shape their identities through clothing choices and interactions with space. Discover the significance of cultural, social, and personal factors in shaping women's experiences. Be part of the conversation on empowering women through understanding and representation.

This event is open to all.

If you have any questions please contact eventsoffice@dmu.ac.uk.




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