This is a one-day conference, part of the Festival of Teaching at De Montfort University (DMU), using participatory approaches to break down the barriers of conventionality. The agenda includes sessions where FGM is discussed from social and health perspectives, as well as independent screen time that involves an information point and photo-video collages. The conference aims to offer participants the opportunity to safely discuss and challenge the cultural underlay of FGM practice, and a space where typical patterns of thinking about FGM can be disrupted. We hope that participants will then be better equipped to spot the risk signs (as well as the signs that FGM has already occurred), and to build meaningful conversations with families, communities and other professionals that will safeguard girls and young women.
The speakers at the conference include:
Welcome from
Anamaria Oprea (Lead Social Care Learning and Development Hub, DMU)
Liz Dunn (Learning Coordinator LLR Safeguarding Children Partnerships)
Dr Momodou Sallah (Director Centre of Academic Innovation, DMU)
Keynote by
Leethen Bartholomew (Head of National FGM Centre)
Parallel sessions delivered by
Djenne Kamara (Social Care Practitioner)
Aarti Kotecha (Director White Ribbon Domestic Violence Training)
Zinthiya Ganeshpanchan (Director Zinthiya Trust)
Dr Kathryn Hinsliff-Smith (Associate Professor of Nursing, DMU)
Agatha Adogho (PhD Student, University of Nottingham)
The conference is open to academics and students at DMU from social work, youth and community development, nursing and midwifery, professionals working in social care, health, education and in safeguarding roles, as well as members of the wider community.
This event is part of the Festival of Teaching: the Challenge of Change.
Bookings will close 1 hour prior to the start of the event. Registrants will receive a link to join the online talk 24hrs before the event, via their provided email address.
Please contact the DMU Events Office on if you have any questions.
This event is open to all.