The Stephen Lawrence Research Centre invites you to participate in this live webinar series, Un/settled Multiculturalisms -2020 Transruptions in a time of Racist Calamities, a four-part conversational series taking place online every Wednesday evening in February 2021.
In the aftermath of the election of Trump in the US and the Brexit referendum victory in 2016, we have witnessed reinvigorated and emboldened forms of white nationalisms within the faltering states of global white imperial democracies.
Join us to discuss the ongoing racist calamities that are defining our times from the Windrush scandal and Grenfell to #BlackLivesMatter within the context of a global pandemic.
Date: 4 part webinar series – 3, 10, 17 & 24 February 2021
3 February 2021
EPISODE 1 - FORMATIONS OF RACISM AND IDENTITIES IN THE CATASTROPHIC PRESENT will be available to view Stephen Lawrence Research Centre news and events (
10 February 2021
EPISODE 2 - (POST)COLONIAL ENTANGLEMENTS OF WINDRUSH AND BLACKNESS will be available to view Stephen Lawrence Research Centre news and events (
17 February 2021
Episode 3 – RACE, GENDER, CLASS AND THE POLITICS OF SOLIDARITY IN THE AFTERMATH OF GRENFELL will be available to view Stephen Lawrence Research Centre news and events (
24 February 2021: to join today please use this link
5.30pm – 7pm
The panelists think about ‘transruption’ through the ways in which localised communities imagine and (re)make themselves both through the intersection of regional, local and transnational life worlds as well as through and against the persistent pattern of their historical erasure from their regional locality
Introduced by Kennetta Hammond Perry/Conversation lead by Pat Noxolo
Panel: Pat Noxolo/Mark Christian/Shawn Sobers/Carol Leeming/Chris Zembe/Francesca Sobande
For further information please email