Research and the COVID-19 Crisis - World Health Day

07/04/2021 (12:30-14:00)
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As part of the ONLINE Doctoral College Lecture Series, we are pleased to invite you on 7 April 2021, at 12.30pm to speed lectures and a panel discussion with our DMU academics, focusing on the impact of COVID-19 in the context of World Health Day. The event will be chaired by Professor Parvez Haris, Professor of Biomedical Science and Head of Research for the School of Allied Health Sciences.


Talks will include:

Ross Little, Senior Lecturer in Criminology - The health of children subject to solitary confinement in prison

Explores the issue of children’s solitary confinement in Young Offender Institutions in England. Drawing on his blog published by The National Association for Youth Justice, Ross considers how conditions associated with the pandemic have exacerbated problems associated with practices of separating children from their peers in prison.


Sasha Loyal, Centre for Reproductive Research – The ‘baby bust’: The impact of COVID-19 on reproductive planning and experiences

Drawing on research on reproductive timing, this talk will discuss the disruption caused by the pandemic on women's and couples reproductive planning and decision-making, challenging notions of the coronavirus 'baby boom'.


Ngosa Kambashi, Institute for Psychological Science – A Mixed Methods Study of Professionals’, Survivors’, and Community Perceptions of Male Rape

Research concerning male rape myths demonstrates that any individual can be accepting of male rape myths. The endorsement of these myths can have detrimental consequences for survivors, and wider society that arguably violate some of the targets of the sustainable development goals.



Places can be booked up to one hour before the event.

Registrants will receive a link to join the online talk 2 days before the event, via their provided email address.

Please contact the DMU Events Office on if you have any questions.

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