LBF: Innovation In Practice

06/11/2020 (15:00-19:00)
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Following on from Innohouse's first Head-to-Head session with an innovation leader, in this second session we explore how to enact innovation in a day-to-day setting.

We examine the results of a cross-sector survey of business habits during the covid lockdown, and the prioritisation of innovation as we come out of lockdown.

We examine the role of sector networks in driving ideas and knowledge exchange, cross-sector networks in problem-solving and knowledge diffusion, and an organisation's social spaces for generating ideas. We will hold an 'Ideas and Beers' session, to illustrate the importance of the social context in innovation. 

The event is an opportunity dispel the myths about innovation and to share good practice with existing and new companies on how to achieve innovation without investment in a multi-million pound R&D unit.

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