Better Business Through GDPR

DMU, Gateway House
31/10/2019 (13:30-15:30)

Would you like to better utilise stakeholder data to benefit your business, streamline systems and communicate more effectively?  As well as helping attendees to gain a better understanding of GDPR, this event will also explore how business can benefit from an innovative approach to data collection and processing.  

Innovation based on novel use of personal data may encounter problems of buy-in and engagement of the public through fears of privacy issues and data abuse.

However, rather than seeing laws, especially GDPR and DPA 2018, as threats or compliance exercises, they can also have an enabling role, in particular through the process of doing data protecting impact assessments (DPIAs) on data. These involve the public in a consultative process that ensures data processing, which might otherwise have been perceived as “creepy,” comes out well-justified and well-defended against potential abuse and cyber risk.

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