- #DMUWomen presents a live version of the #everydaysexism project- discussion and experience sharing (bring your own lunch from 12noon, refreshments provided)
Leads: Sarah-Jayne Gardner (Business Development and Change Project Manager in Strategic and International Partnerships), Heather Savigny (Professor in Gender, Media and Politics, Faculty of Technology) and Sara Rizvi (Lecturer in Education Studies VC2020)
#everydaysexism is sexism experienced on a day-to-day basis, serious or minor, outrageously offensive, or so niggling and normalised that you don’t even feel able to protest.
We will consider
- Our experiences
- The roles and responsibilities of women and men in addressing #everydaysexism
- Support for female colleagues
- What a world and workplace without #everydaysexism might look like
No matter where you are at, we would love to see you there and share experiences together as women at DMU.