Berghs, M., Horne, F., Yates, S., Kemp, R. & Webster, A. 2024 The indignities of shielding during the COVID-19 pandemic for people with sickle cell: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis, Special Issue Intersections of Aging and Disability During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Frontiers in Medical Sociology, 9: doi: 10.3389/fsoc.2024.1334633
Ola, B., Olushola, O., Ebenso, B. & Berghs, M. 2024. Sickle Cell Disorder and Its Psychosocial Burdens in Africa. In Sickle Cell Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa Public Health Perspectives. Bukola, B., Kanayo,K & Inusa, B. (eds.) Sickle Cell Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa | Public Health Perspectives (
Berghs, M., Ebenso, B. & Ola B. 2024. The Social Determinants of Severity in Sickle Cell. In Sickle Cell Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa Public Health Perspectives. Bukola, B., Kanayo,K & Inusa, B. (eds.) Sickle Cell Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa | Public Health Perspectives (
Berghs, M. 2024. The Critical Importance of Global Collaboration in Sickle Cell Advocacy and Management. In Sickle Cell Disorders in Sub-Saharan Africa. Bukola, B., Kanayo,K & Inusa, B. (eds.) Sickle Cell Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa | Public Health Perspectives (
Afeworki Abay, R. & Berghs, M. 2024. Impossible Working Lives and Disabled Bodies during Racialised Capitalism: Perspectives from Germany and the United Kingdom. In Intersectional Colonialities, Embodied Colonial Violence and Practices of Resistance at the Axis of Disability, Race, Indigeneity, Class, and Gender. Afeworki Abay R. & Soldatic, K. (eds.). London: Routledge. Intersectional Colonialities: Embodied Colonial Violence and Practices (
Berghs, M. 2023. Philosophical and practical challenges of Ubuntu: Application to decolonial activism and conceptions of personhood and disability. In: Southern Theories Contemporary and Future Challenges. Mutanga, O. and Marovah,T. (Eds.), London & New York: Routledge. Southern Theories: Contemporary and Future Challenges - 1st Edition - (
Atkin, K.M., Berghs, M., & Chattoo, S. 2023. Representing Disabling Experiences: Rethinking Quality of Life when Evaluating Public Health Interventions. Politics & Policy, 1-57.
Berghs, M. & Ebenso, B. 2023. Social Science Research & Sickle Cell. In Handbook of Social Sciences and Global Public Health. Liamputtong, P. (Eds), Cham: Springer.
Berghs, M., Horne, F., Yates, S., Graham, S., Kemp, R., Webster, A. & Howson, C. 2022. Black Sickle Cell Patients’ Lives Matter: Healthcare, long- term shielding and psychological distress during a racialized pandemic in England – a mixed-methods study. BMJ Open,
Cronin de Chavez, A., Berghs, M., Ola, B. & Ebenso, B. 2022. Is screening for diabetes II among patients with sickle cell trait a potential example of structural racism in healthcare? Hemasphere, 6: 56-57.
Coen-Sanchez, K., Ebenso, B., El-Mowafi, I. M., Berghs, M., Idriss-Wheeler, D., & Yaya, S. 2022. Repercussions of overturning Roe v. Wade for women across systems and beyond borders. Reproductive Health, 19(1), 1-5.
Berghs, M, Dyson, M.A., Gabba, A., Nyandemo, S., Roberts, G., Deen, G. and Thomas, I. 2022 “I want to become someone!” Gender, Reproduction and the Moral Career of Motherhood for Women with Sickle Cell Disorders, Culture, Health and Sexuality,
Berghs, M. 2022. Let's Get Back to Normal? COVID-19 and the Logic of Cure. Frontiers in Sociology, 7.
Berghs, M. 2022. An African Path to Disability Justice: Community, Relationships and Obligations: by Oche Onazi, Cham, Springer, 2020, xix+ 179 pp. Canadian Journal of African Studies,
Berghs, M, Dyson, S.M., Greene, A.M., Atkin, K. and Morrison, V. 2021. ‘They Can Replace You at Any Time!”: (In)Visible Hyper-Ableism, Employment and Sickle Cell Disorders in England, Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research,
Dyson, S.M., Atkin, K., Berghs, M., Greene, A.M. 2021. On the possibility of a disabled life in capitalist ruins: Black workers with sickle cell disorder in England. Social Science & Medicine, 272, 113713
Berghs, M. 2021. Who gets cured? COVID-19 and developing a critical medical sociology and anthropology of cure. Frontiers,
Berghs, M. 2021. An African ethics of social wellbeing: Understanding Disability and Public Health. In Disability in Africa: Inclusion, Care, and the Ethics of Humanity Falola, T. & Hamel, N. (eds). New York: University of Rochester Press.
Berghs, M. 2021. Caroline Williamson Sinalo, Rwanda After Genocide: gender, identity and post-traumatic growth. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (pb£ 22.99–978 1 108 44459 0). 2018, xiii+ 219 pp. Africa, 91(2), 338-340.
Berghs, M. & Dyson, S.M. 2020. Intersectionality and Employment in the United Kingdom: Where are all the Black Disabled People? Disability & Society, 1-24.
Berghs, M., Dyson, S.M., Gabba, A., Nyandemo, S.E., Roberts, G., Deen, G. 2020. "You have to find a caring man, like your father!" Gendering sickle cell and refashioning women's moral boundaries in Sierra Leone. Social Science & Medicine, 259, 113-148.
Berghs, M., Ebenso, B., de Chavez, A.C. & Ola, B. 2020. Time to apply a social determinants of health lens to addressing sickle cell disorders in Sub-Saharan Africa. BMJ Global Health, 5:e002601.
Peña-Fernández, A., Anjum, U., Wadoum, R. E. G., Koroma, S., & Berghs, M. 2020. Competing ethics in a pilot strategy to implement parasitology training and research in post-Ebola Sierra Leone. International Health, 12 (6): 509-514.
Berghs, M. 2020. Biosocial Model of Disability. In Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging, Gu, D. & Dupre, M.E. (eds.) Cham: Springer.
Berghs, M., Morrison, V., Sokhal, K., & Dyson, S. 2019. Sickle Cell, Work and Employment: A Guide for Employers and Employees on Sickle Cell Disorder (SCD). Leicester: De Montfort University.
Berghs, M., Atkin, K., Hatton, C. & Thomas, C. 2019. Rights to Social Determinants of Flourishing: A Paradigm for Disability and Public Health Research and Policy, BMC Public Health, 19: 997.
Cronin de Chavez, A., Atkin, K. Babbington, F., Berghs, M.J., Dyson, S.M.,Miller, A., & Whitelaw D. 2019. Incidental finding of sickle cell trait from an everyday diabetes test – should the general practitioner report? retest? refer? Clinical Diabetes, 38 (1): 101-107.
Berghs, M., Gabba, . E.; Nyandemo, S.E., Dyson,S.M., Deen, G. F. & Roberts, G.T. 2019. "We di woman den, na we di suffer": A Report on Sickle Cell in Sierra Leone. Leicester: De Montfort University.
Berghs, M., Atkin, K., Hatton, C. & Thomas, C. 2019.Current Issues: Do disabled people need a stronger social model - a social model of human rights. Disability & Society, 1-6.
Berghs, M., Chataika, T., El-Lahib, Y. & Dube, A.K. (eds.). 2019. The Routledge Handbook of Disability Activism. London and New York: Routledge. (2019 Taylor & Francis Award for Most Outstanding Social Science Handbook
Berghs, M., Atkin, K., Hatton, C. & Thomas, C. 2019. Policy Briefing: Implementing empirical ethics and rights - IDEAS for ensuring disability equity in research. York: University of York.
Dyson, S. M. & Berghs, M. 2019. Ethnicity, Disability and Chronic Illness. Understanding ‘race’ and ethnicity, Chattoo, S., Atkin, K., Graig, G. & Flynn, R. (eds.) Bristol: Polity Press.
Berghs, M. 2018. Ethical (Dis)enchantment, Afflictive Kinship and Ebola Exceptionalism. Disability and Everyday Worlds. Thomas, G. & Sakellariou, D. (eds.) New York: New York University Press.
Berghs, M. 2017. Cash not Care: The Planned Demolition of the UK Welfare State. By Stewart, Mo. New Generation Publishing: London. 2016. 188pp. £15.99. ISBN 978-1-78507-783-8. Self & Society, 336-337.
Berghs, M. Atkin, K., Graham, H., Hatton, C. & Thomas, C. 2017. Public health, research and rights: The perspectives of deliberation panels with politically and socially active disabled people. Disability & Society, 32 (7): 945-965.
Berghs, M., Dyson, S.M. and Atkin, K., 2017. Resignifying the sickle cell gene: Narratives of genetic risk, impairment and repair. Health, 21 (2): 171-188.
Berghs, M. 2017. Emancipatory Engagement and Co-Production: Disability Research for Activism. London: Sage Research Case Methods.
Berghs, M. 2017. Practices and disourses of Ubuntu: Implications for an African model of disability. African Journal of Disability, (6) a292.
Berghs, M. 2016. Disabled states and impaired citizens in the global south: Bio, necro to impairometrics. Minority Reports. Cultural Disability Studies, (2), pp. 237-256.
Berghs, M. and Kabbara, N. 2016. Disabled people in conflicts and wars. In Disability in the Global South (pp. 269-283). London: Springer.
Berghs, M.J., Atkin, K.M., Graham, H.M., Hatton, C. and Thomas, C., 2016. Implications for public health research of models and theories of disability: a scoping study and evidence synthesis. Public Health Research, (4) 8.
Atkin, K., Berghs, M. and Dyson, S., 2015. ‘Who's the guy in the room?’Involving fathers in antenatal care screening for sickle cell disorders. Social Science & Medicine, 128, pp.212-219.
Berghs, M., 2016. War and embodied memory: Becoming disabled in Sierra Leone. London: Routledge.
Dyson, S.M., Berghs, M. and Atkin, K., 2016. ‘Talk to Me. There’s Two of Us’: Fathers and Sickle Cell Screening. Sociology, 50 (1): 178-194.
Berghs, M. and Kabbara, N., 2016. Disabled people in conflicts and wars. In Disability in the Global South (pp. 269-283). Springer International Publishing.
Berghs, M., 2016. Local and Global Phantoms: Reparations National Memory and Sacrifice in Sierra Leone. Rethinking Disability: World Perspectives in Culture and Society, p.275.
Berghs, M., 2016. Shakespeare, T.(ed.) Disability Research Today: International Perspectives. London and New York: Routledge. 2015. 254pp£ 29.99 ISBN 978–0415748445.
Berghs, M., 2016. Neoliberal policy, chronic corruption and disablement: biosecurity, biosocial risks and the creation of ‘Ebola survivors’?. Disability & society, 31(2), pp.275-279.
Berghs, M., 2015. Disability and displacement in times of conflict: Rethinking migration, flows and boundaries. Disability and the Global South, 2(1), pp.442-459.
Berghs, M., 2015. Gun violence, disability & recovery. Disability & Society, 30 (3): 484-5.
Conteh, E. and Berghs, M., 2014. ‘Mi At Don Poil’: A Report on Reparations in Sierra Leone for Amputee and War-Wounded People. Draft report, Amputee and War-Wounded Association, Freetown, Sierra Leone.
Berghs, M., Atkin, K. and Dyson, S., 2014. Involving Fathers in Ante-Natal Screening for Sickle Cell Disorders: Improving Informed Decision-Making. York: University of York.
Berghs, M., 2014. The new humanitarianism: Neoliberalism, poverty and the creation of disability. Disability, human rights and the limits of humanitarianism, pp.27-44.
Berghs, M. 2014. Native American communities on health and disability: borderland dialogues. Disability & Society, 29 (6), pp. 985-987.
Berghs, M., 2013. The global economy of care. Disabling barriers-enabling environments. London: Sage.
Berghs, M., 2011. Embodiment and emotion in Sierra Leone. Third World Quarterly, 32(8), pp.1399-1417.
Berghs, M. and Dos Santos-Zingale, M., 2011. A comparative analysis: everyday experiences of disability in Sierra Leone. Africa Today, 58(2), pp.18-40.
Berghs, M., 2010. Coming to terms with inequality and exploitation in an African state: Researching disability in Sierra Leone. Disability & Society, 25(7), pp.861-865.