Peer reviewed articles
Fiedlschuster, M. and Reichle, L.R. forthcoming. ‘Horizontal Organizing for Solidarity amid COVID-19 in Leipzig (Germany)’. Culture, Practice & Europeanization. Manuscript accepted.
Reichle, L.R. and Beschere, P. forthcoming. ‘Organizing with Tenants in East Germany? Reflecting Observations and Interventions regarding Racist Reactions to the Housing Question’. Radical Housing Journal. Manuscript accepted.
Reichle, L.R. forthcoming. ‘Ethnographische Kneipentouren. Reflexionen eines Ethischen Seitensprungs zur Untersuchung Autoritärer Trennungen in Leipzig’. Geographische Zeitschrift (Sonderausgabe: Rechte Raumnahme). Manuscript accepted.
Book chapters
Bescherer, P. and Reichle, L.R. forthcoming. ‘“Why Don’t You Just Kick out the Foreigners?” Authoritarian Answers to the Housing Question in Leipzig, East Germany’. in Spatializing Authoritarianism, edited by K. Natalie. New York: Syracuse University Press.
Chew, A., Ilano, L., Lanweraju-Kadri, T., Lowe, A. and Reichle, L.R. 2020. ‘Eviction Observatories’. Pp. 52–76 in Methodologies for Housing Justice Resource Guide. UCLA Publications.
Graziani, T. and Reichle, L.R. 2020. ‘Weaponizing Oakland’s Nuisance Ordinances’. in Counterpoints: Visualizing Bay Area Displacement and Resistance, 1970-2017. San Francisco: PM Press.
Flam, H., Reichle, L.R. and Reimer, D. forthcoming. ‘Protokollanalyse im NSU-Prozess. Thematisierungskonflikte zur Rolle von Verfassungsschutz, Neonazinetzwerken, Rassismus und Antisemitismus im Prozess.’ in German Legal Traditions on Trial. Vol. 2. Nomos.
Blog Posts, Essays, Non-Peer Reviewed Articles
Fiedlschuster, M. and Reichle, L.R. 2020. ‘Solidarity Forever? Performing Mutual Aid in Leipzig, Germany’. Interface: A Journal for and about Social Movements 12:317–25.
Nettelbladt, G, and Reichle, L.R. forthcoming. ‘Proximity and Distance: Navigating a Field of Tension in the Qualitative Research of the German Far Right during COVID-19’. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research - Spotlight On.
Reichle, L.R. 2020. ‘Nachbarschaftliche Solidarität in der Krise? – Die Frage nach transformativem Potenzial von Nachbarschaftshilfe am Beispiel einer aktivistischen Fallstudie im Leipziger Osten’. (English: Neighbourhood solidarity in crisis? - Questioning the transformative potential of neighbourhood mutual-aid through an activist case study in Leipzig's east) Corona Monitor. Retrieved 17 August 2020 (
Reichle, L.R. 2020. ‘Researching Tenants’ Relations in a State of Emergency - Relational Polarization and Its Challenges for Research’. Centre for Urban Research on Austerity. Retrieved 28 May 2020 (
Reichle, L.R. 2020. ‘Was bedeutet Verdrängung? Und warum tun wir nichts dagegen?’ (English: What does displacement mean? And why don't we do anything about it?) Gefährlicher Gegenstand: Eisenbahnstraße #2.
Reichle, L.R. and Kuschinski, E. 2020. ‘Why housing is a feminist issue, oder warum die Wohnungsfrage feministisch zu stellen ist’. Feministische Georundmail (81).