Moving Beyond Research Methods or Methodologies as 'Just a Tool': Surfacing Process, Possibilities and Passion

Civil Court, De Montfort University, Leicester Castle Business School
21/11/2019 (09:30-16:30)
Professor Peter Stokes (
This interactive workshop links advanced researchers with doctoral, early and mid-career researchers in shared thinking and debate around the development of innovative research methods and approaches with the prospect of transforming conference papers into journal articles. Within a supportive and engaging environment, participants will be encouraged to learn from research methods/ methodology experts about novel and alternative research approaches, share their research strategies and receive feedback on areas for improvement and development. This is a rare and valuable opportunity for researchers to engage with internationally acclaimed research methods academics and extend their existing research networks and experience.


To make the most of the day, participants are offered the opportunity to submit a draft of a conference or working paper in order to receive more individualised feedback during group discussions. Details of how to submit a paper will be shared with those who have registered to attend the workshop.

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