Prisoners as Audiences of British Prison Films: An Emotive Dialogue

De Montfort University, Vijay Patel 1.02 (Pod)
14/05/2019 (13:00-15:00)
Victoria Knight (
Registration URL
This session will focus on the emotive dialogues that followed the viewing of five contemporary British films. For the first time this study brings us closer to understanding prison film from an informed audience's perspective - the prisoner.

Their readings are complex and enmeshed in emotive responses to the ways in which film makers make the prison look and feel for popular consumption. Themes of violence, resistance, identity are entangled with their own readings of these films.

As a result they bring renewed interpretations based on their lived experiences of deep incarceration. The context of consumption is powerful and does shape audience reception.

The British films that will be discussed include Starred Up, Bronson, We Are Monster, Screwed and Everyday.

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