Taking action to reduce carbon footprint


De Montfort University is committed to reducing its carbon footprint – and helping its students and staff do the same in their personal lives. 

A climate emergency has been declared in Leicester by the local authority and supported by DMU as the university aims to continue to improve its sustainability practices. 

The university is already one of the greenest in Britain and has been consistently rated as First Class by the People and Planet student campaigning network. 

Staff are encouraged to ditch their cars and are given free park-and-ride passes, there are 750 parking spaces for cycles as well as shower and changing facilities and free D-locks and lights for students and staff. 

The university has continued to reduce its waste by expanding recycling on campus and has also introduced a series of energy-saving measures. 

DMU has now launched a programme of carbon literacy training for staff and students to give them an awareness of the carbon dioxide costs and impacts of everyday activities, and empowering people to do something about it – both as an individual and as part of an organisation. 

Seven sessions of Carbon Literacy training were held for staff and students within the first two months of launching the programme in January 2020 as part of an on-going programme. 

One of the sessions included members of the university’s University Leadership Board allowing DMU to be granted bronze status as a Carbon Literate organisation. 

Student volunteers have also been trained so they can go out to schools across Leicester and spread the message of what actions children can take action on climate change. Evidence shows that those taking the carbon literacy workshops traditionally reduce their carbon footprint by 5 to 15% afterwards.