"It feels bubbly": Listening to the emotional climate in prison

De Montfort University, Vijay Patel 1.11 (Pod)
05/03/2019 (13:00-15:00)
Victoria Knight (vknight@dmu.ac.uk)
Registration URL
Attending to sound demonstrates the significance of paying closer attention to the sensory in prison ethnography, prompting consideration of how this impacts our understanding of the emotional geography of prison, and what this teaches us about the perilous business of ‘working at’ order, with which much of prison life is concerned.

What are the implications this presents for how we gauge and manage wellbeing for prisoners and prison staff, as well as how we understand the prison?

Kate will hopefully have submitted her PhD by the time she gives this talk, which she worked towards through a studentship with the department of criminology at the University of Leicester. She has a number of particular interests within criminology in addition to prisons including; philosophy of social science, creative methods and the role of creativity in the research process.

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